Quality, relationships, and experience. The Rosso Coffee way.

How Rosso's founding principles mesh with London Bicycle Cafe's vision.

This past November I had a wonderful experience visiting the Rosso Coffee Roasters HQ in Calgary. I met with company founder, and Canadian barista champion Cole Torode (@torodeo), and was treated to a cupping of their latest coffee offerings from around the world. While the cupping experience was delicious, and my hosts were gracious, I was reminded through our conversations why we picked Rosso to supply our beans in the first place. First, they’re bike-friendly, and supported Calgary’s original cycletrack network before biking was more mainstream, and they have very bike-friendly cafes in the city. That was the minimum starting point for anyone we’re doing business with. From there, it became apparent very quickly that our values meshed in terms of quality of cup, the relationships they build with their farmers and clients, and the experience of drinking a Rosso cup gets better with every opportunity.
Rosso has experienced extraordinary success because they work so hard at developing great relationships, and working with outstanding collaborators. To support amazing people running small farms, and growing sustainable practices in the coffee industry, little shops like ours have to be willing to pay a bit more for our cup of coffee. Not a lot more, but a little more. By paying more for coffee, we can ensure we’ll be able to enjoy this delightful treat for as many centuries as we’ve enjoyed it so far.
We’re so pleased to announce that our Cafe will re-open for the season this Friday, March 1st. Here is a preview of some of the roasts we’ll be featuring:

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