Cargo Bikes for Business: Downtown London Endurance Grant

Learn about the Endurance Grant available through Downtown London!
This post is for businesses in the Downtown London BIA who have endured the first year of Covid and are looking for ways to thrive in a second year of pandemic disruption.
Downtown London is currently offering a $2000 Endurance Grant to all core businesses for Covid adaptation (details here). We confirmed today that cargo bikes are eligible purchases. We have decided to match the Downtown London grant by offering $500 in store credit toward accessories for any cargo bikes for business ordered before the end of February.
How Does The Grant Work?
The grant covers 75% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum grant of $2000 (cargo bikes are eligible). For example, let’s imagine choosing the Tern HSD ($4749), and a set of accessories (racks, bags, locks etc.) that cost $650, for a total cost of $5399. Downtown London credits you $2000, and we credit you $500, meaning you get a fully loaded electric cargo bike for $2899, plus the support and service that comes with having your local bike shop just around the corner.
Why choose a cargo bike? They’re faster than driving in the inner city, and cost 75% less to operate compared to a delivery van. They represent a shift to zero emissions transportation, and you always get the parking spot right in front of your destination. The big logistics companies like Fedex are introducing cargo bikes for their urban fleets at a rapid pace, and you can get those benefits for your business, too.
How have we leveraged cargo bikes for our customers? Our store uses a zone-based delivery system, with $5/$15 shipping on small orders, and free shipping on orders over $100. We’ve calibrated our delivery area carefully considering our staff’s safety and time as primary concerns.
Why order from Amazon and get something tomorrow when you can order from us and get it today? On an electric cargo bike, no destination in our delivery area is longer than a 30 minute ride. Ask yourself or your staff what a mid-day bike ride does for morale, energy, and happiness, too.
Our delivery Zone map is available to view in more detail here.
Cargo Bikes for Business
- local package deliveries
- rapid meal delivery in the inner core area: faster and less expensive than Uber Eats. Insulated compartments available.
- get to meetings with clients faster and easier
- document signing and rapid delivery
- build your brand and develop your company’s sustainability efforts
- connect with your customers and neighbours on the street
What are my next steps?
If you’re interested in getting started, please send us an email. We can help you understand how we have implemented cargo bike based deliveries for our store, and can give you a sense of how to succeed using a bike for your operation. Of course, we can consult with you about the best bike for the job, too.
We know cities and businesses are evolving fast - and we’re here to help Londoners ride more often, for more things - that includes businesses, too.
“Bicycles offer a number of advantages in express delivery operations: they can bypass traffic congestion and make up to two times as many stops per hour than a delivery vehicle. The total cost of ownership over their lifetime is less than half of a van. And crucially, they generate zero emissions, which reinforces our own ongoing program to minimise our environmental footprint and supports city governments’ efforts to promote sustainable city living”
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